packages = ["matplotlib", "pandas", "numpy"]

Eco Simulator

made by redlaserbm


Nothing Here Yet :P

Always do this first!

Initial Game State

Starting Parameters


Starting Farms

Buy Queue

Buy Defence




Upgrade Existing Farms

Select Farm to Upgrade

no farms :(


Buy Queue

Eco Queue

Eco Queue

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from js import document from js import console from pyodide.http import open_url filepath = r"nat_send_lengths.csv" file = pd.read_csv(open_url(filepath)) nat_send_lens = list(file['Nat Send Len']) filepath = r"round_start_data.csv" file = pd.read_csv(open_url(filepath)) round_starts_stall = list(file['Round Start (Stall)']) max_stall_times = [] for i in range(len(round_starts_stall)-1): max_stall_times.append((round_starts_stall[i+1] - round_starts_stall[i]) - nat_send_lens[i]) eco_send_info = { 'Zero': (0,0), 'Grouped Reds': (150,6.75), 'Spaced Blues': (60,3.2), 'Grouped Blues': (240,10), 'Spaced Greens': (93.96,4.698), 'Grouped Greens': (525,21), 'Spaced Yellows': (125.28,6.264), 'Grouped Yellows': (1000,40), 'Spaced Pinks': (186.667,9.333), 'Grouped Pinks': (1800,69), 'Spaced Whites': (214.2,10.71), 'Grouped Whites': (1300,52), 'Spaced Blacks': (264,12.8), 'Grouped Blacks': (1406.25,56.25), 'Spaced Purples': (262.5,12.375), 'Grouped Purples': (3943.35,99.441), 'Spaced Zebras': (600,27), 'Grouped Zebras': (3000,87.5), 'Spaced Leads': (180,8.4), 'Grouped Leads': (1500,45), 'Spaced Rainbows': (1199.8,51.42), 'Grouped Rainbows': (3750,90), 'Spaced Ceramics': (1000,26.667), 'Grouped Ceramics': (10000,45) } eco_send_availability = { 'Zero': (0,50), 'Grouped Reds': (1,10), 'Spaced Blues': (1,2), 'Grouped Blues': (3,10), 'Spaced Greens': (2,4), 'Grouped Greens': (5,50), 'Spaced Yellows': (3,6), 'Grouped Yellows': (7,40), 'Spaced Pinks': (4,8), 'Grouped Pinks': (9,50), 'Spaced Whites': (5,50), 'Grouped Whites': (10,50), 'Spaced Blacks': (6,9), 'Grouped Blacks': (10,50), 'Spaced Purples': (8,10), 'Grouped Purples': (11,50), 'Spaced Zebras': (9,10), 'Grouped Zebras': (11,50), 'Spaced Leads': (10,11), 'Grouped Leads': (12,50), 'Spaced Rainbows': (12,12), 'Grouped Rainbows': (13,50), 'Spaced Ceramics': (13,15), 'Grouped Ceramics': (16,50) } farm_upgrades_costs = [[600,550,2700,16000,68000],[200,700,5500,7500,50000],[250,200,3000,13000,43500]] farm_bank_capacity = [0,0,0,14000,20000,30000] farm_sell_values = { #NOTE: Any farm of level xx2 or higher has 80% sellback value! #Base Farm (0,0,0): 1050*0.7, #################### #UNCROSSPATHED FARMS #################### #Top path (No crosspath) (1,0,0): (1050+600)*0.7, (2,0,0): (1050+600+550)*0.7, (3,0,0): (1050+600+550+2700)*0.7, (4,0,0): (1050+600+550+2700+16000)*0.7, (5,0,0): (1050+600+550+2700+16000+68000)*0.7, #Middle path (No crosspath) (0,1,0): (1050+200)*0.7, (0,2,0): (1050+200+700)*0.7, (0,3,0): (1050+200+700+5500)*0.7, (0,4,0): (1050+200+700+5500+7500)*0.7, (0,5,0): (1050+200+700+5500+7500+50000)*0.7, #Bottom path (No crosspath) (0,0,1): (1050+250)*0.7, (0,0,2): (1050+250+200)*0.8, (0,0,3): (1050+250+200+3000)*0.8, (0,0,4): (1050+250+200+3000+13000)*0.8, (0,0,5): (1050+250+200+3000+13000+50000)*0.8, ###################### #TOP CROSSPATHED FARMS ###################### #Middle path (1,1,0): (1050+600+200)*0.7, (1,2,0): (1050+600+200+700)*0.7, (1,3,0): (1050+600+200+700+5500)*0.7, (1,4,0): (1050+600+200+700+5500+7500)*0.7, (1,5,0): (1050+600+200+700+5500+7500+50000)*0.7, (2,1,0): (1050+600+550+200)*0.7, (2,2,0): (1050+600+550+200+700)*0.7, (2,3,0): (1050+600+550+200+700+5500)*0.7, (2,4,0): (1050+600+550+200+700+5500+7500)*0.7, (2,5,0): (1050+600+550+200+700+5500+7500+50000)*0.7, #Bottom path (1,0,1): (1050+600+250)*0.7, (1,0,2): (1050+600+250+200)*0.8, (1,0,3): (1050+600+250+200+3000)*0.8, (1,0,4): (1050+600+250+200+3000+13000)*0.8, (1,0,5): (1050+600+250+200+3000+13000+50000)*0.8, (2,0,1): (1050+600+550+250)*0.7, (2,0,2): (1050+600+550+250+200)*0.8, (2,0,3): (1050+600+550+250+200+3000)*0.8, (2,0,4): (1050+600+550+250+200+3000+13000)*0.8, (2,0,5): (1050+600+550+250+200+3000+13000+50000)*0.8, ######################### #MIDDLE CROSSPATHED FARMS ######################### #Top path (1,1,0): (1050+200+600)*0.7, (2,1,0): (1050+200+600+550)*0.7, (3,1,0): (1050+200+600+550+2700)*0.7, (4,1,0): (1050+200+600+550+2700+16000)*0.7, (5,1,0): (1050+200+600+550+2700+16000+68000)*0.7, (1,2,0): (1050+200+700+600)*0.7, (2,2,0): (1050+200+700+600+550)*0.7, (3,2,0): (1050+200+700+600+550+2700)*0.7, (4,2,0): (1050+200+700+600+550+2700+16000)*0.7, (5,2,0): (1050+200+700+600+550+2700+16000+68000)*0.7, #Bottom path (0,1,1): (1050+200+250)*0.7, (0,1,2): (1050+200+250+200)*0.8, (0,1,3): (1050+200+250+200+3000)*0.8, (0,1,4): (1050+200+250+200+3000+13000)*0.8, (0,1,5): (1050+200+250+200+3000+13000+50000)*0.8, (0,2,1): (1050+200+700+250)*0.7, (0,2,2): (1050+200+700+250+200)*0.8, (0,2,3): (1050+200+700+250+200+3000)*0.8, (0,2,4): (1050+200+700+250+200+3000+13000)*0.8, (0,2,5): (1050+200+700+250+200+3000+13000+50000)*0.8, ######################### #BOTTOM CROSSPATHED FARMS ######################### #Top path (1,0,1): (1050+250+600)*0.7, (2,0,1): (1050+250+600+550)*0.7, (3,0,1): (1050+250+600+550+2700)*0.7, (4,0,1): (1050+250+600+550+2700+16000)*0.7, (5,0,1): (1050+250+600+550+2700+16000+68000)*0.7, (1,0,2): (1050+250+200+600)*0.8, (2,0,2): (1050+250+200+600+550)*0.8, (3,0,2): (1050+250+200+600+550+2700)*0.8, (4,0,2): (1050+250+200+600+550+2700+16000)*0.8, (5,0,2): (1050+250+200+600+550+2700+16000+68000)*0.8, #Middle path (0,1,1): (1050+250+200)*0.7, (0,2,1): (1050+250+200+700)*0.7, (0,3,1): (1050+250+200+700+5500)*0.7, (0,4,1): (1050+250+200+700+5500+7500)*0.7, (0,5,1): (1050+250+200+700+5500+7500+50000)*0.7, (0,1,2): (1050+250+200+200)*0.8, (0,2,2): (1050+250+200+200+700)*0.8, (0,3,2): (1050+250+200+200+700+5500)*0.8, (0,4,2): (1050+250+200+200+700+5500+7500)*0.8, (0,5,2): (1050+250+200+200+700+5500+7500+50000)*0.8 } farm_payout_values = { #Remember, x3x and higher farms do not payout like other farms do! #When a farm is upgraded to x3x, we will set its payments to (0,0) #When a farm is upgraded to xx5, we will set self.MWS_bonus = True #When a farm is upgraded to x2x or higher, its payments are multplied by 1.25! #Base Farm (0,0,0): (40,3), #################### #UNCROSSPATHED FARMS #################### #Top path (1,0,0): (40,5), (2,0,0): (40,7), (3,0,0): (40,16), (4,0,0): (600,5), (5,0,0): (3000,5), #Middle path (0,1,0): (40,3), (0,2,0): (50,3), (0,3,0): (50,3), (0,4,0): (50,3), (0,5,0): (50,3), #Bottom path (0,0,1): (40,3), (0,0,2): (40,3), (0,0,3): (40,14), (0,0,4): (160,14), (0,0,5): (160,14), ###################### #TOP CROSSPATHED FARMS ###################### #Middle path (1,1,0): (40,5), (1,2,0): (50,5), (1,3,0): (50,5), (1,4,0): (50,5), (1,5,0): (50,5), (2,1,0): (40,7), (2,2,0): (50,7), (2,3,0): (50,7), (2,4,0): (50,7), (2,5,0): (50,7), #Bottom path (1,0,1): (40,5), (1,0,2): (40,5), (1,0,3): (40,16), (1,0,4): (160,16), (1,0,5): (160,16), (2,0,1): (40,7), (2,0,2): (40,7), (2,0,3): (40,18), (2,0,4): (160,18), (2,0,5): (160,18), ######################### #MIDDLE CROSSPATHED FARMS ######################### #Top path (1,1,0): (40,5), (2,1,0): (40,7), (3,1,0): (40,16), (4,1,0): (600,5), (5,1,0): (3000,5), (1,2,0): (50,5), (2,2,0): (50,7), (3,2,0): (50,16), (4,2,0): (750,5), (5,2,0): (3750,5), #Bottom path (0,1,1): (40,3), (0,1,2): (40,3), (0,1,3): (40,14), (0,1,4): (160,14), (0,1,5): (160,14), (0,2,1): (50,3), (0,2,2): (50,3), (0,2,3): (50,14), (0,2,4): (200,14), (0,2,5): (200,14), ######################### #BOTTOM CROSSPATHED FARMS ######################### #This is admittedly redundant but I do this beacuse it makes the code easier to read/use #Top path (1,0,1): (40,5), (2,0,1): (40,7), (3,0,1): (40,16), (4,0,1): (600,5), (5,0,1): (3000,5), (1,0,2): (40,5), (2,0,2): (40,7), (3,0,2): (40,16), (4,0,2): (600,5), (5,0,2): (3000,5), #Middle path (0,1,1): (40,3), (0,2,1): (50,3), (0,3,1): (50,3), (0,4,1): (50,3), (0,5,1): (50,3), (0,1,2): (40,3), (0,2,2): (50,3), (0,3,2): (50,3), (0,4,2): (50,3), (0,5,2): (50,3), } boat_upgrades_costs = [5400, 19000] boat_payout_values = [300, 1000, 3000] boat_sell_values = [1960, 6560, 21760] # %% [markdown] # # Rounds Class # %% [markdown] # The rounds class is designed to handle the conversion of round info to times and vice versa. That is, the class is capable of answering the following two questions: # 1. Given some time, what round of the game are we on, and how much of the round has elapsed? # 2. Given some round, how much time has elapsed in the game so far? # %% class Rounds(): def __init__(self, stall_factor): #Compute the round times given the stall factor self.logs = [] self.stall_factor = stall_factor val = 0 self.round_starts = [0] for i in range(len(nat_send_lens)): round_len = nat_send_lens[i] + (1-self.stall_factor)*4 + self.stall_factor*max_stall_times[i] val += round_len self.round_starts.append(val) def getRoundFromTime(self, time): ind = 0 while self.round_starts[ind] <= time: ind += 1 #self.logs.append("Mapped time %s to round %s"%(time,ind-1)) return ind - 1 def getTimeFromRound(self, round_val): frac_part = round_val - np.floor(round_val) #The 30's are there to compensate for a limitation in round data. We could use some more involved data rn... time = (1-frac_part)*self.round_starts[int(min(np.floor(round_val),30))] + frac_part*self.round_starts[int(min(np.ceil(round_val),30))] #self.logs.append("Mapped round %s to time %s"%(round_val,time)) return time def changeStallFactor(self,stall_factor, current_time): self.logs.append("MESSAGE FROM Rounds.changeStallFactor():") self.logs.append("Changing the stall factor from %s to %s"%(self.stall_factor,stall_factor)) self.logs.append("The old round start times were %s"%(self.round_starts)) game_round = self.rounds.getRoundFromTime(current_time) if current_time < self.round_starts[game_round] + nat_send_lens[game_round]: #Yes, the current round should have its stall time modified start_ind = game_round else: #No, the current round should not have its stall time modified start_ind = game_round+1 val = self.round_starts[start_ind] for i in range(start_ind, len(nat_send_lens)-1): #print("Trying index %s"%(str(i))) val += nat_send_lens[i] + (1-stall_factor)*4 + stall_factor*max_stall_times[i] self.round_starts[i+1] = val self.logs.append("The new round start times are %s"%(self.round_starts)) # %% [markdown] # # Game State Class # %% [markdown] # The game state class is an instance of battles 2 in action! # %% def impact(cash, loan, amount): #If the amount is positive (like a payment), half of the payment should be directed to the outstanding loan #If the amount is negative (like a purhcase), then we can treat it "normally" if amount > 0: if amount > 2*loan: cash = cash + amount - loan loan = 0 else: cash = cash + amount/2 loan = loan - amount/2 else: cash = cash + amount return cash, loan def writeLog(lines, filename = 'log', path = './logs/'): document.getElementById('logdiv').textContent = lines console.log(str(lines)) # %% class GameState(): def __init__(self, initial_state): ############################ #INITIALIZING THE GAME STATE ############################ #To ensure the code runs properly, we'll create a log file to track cash and eco as they evolve over time self.logs = [] #Initial cash and eco and loan values = initial_state.get('Cash') = initial_state.get('Eco') = initial_state.get('Loan') #For IMF Loans #Eco send info self.send_name = initial_state.get('Eco Send') if self.send_name is None: self.send_name = 'Zero' try: self.eco_cost = eco_send_info[self.send_name][0] self.eco_gain = eco_send_info[self.send_name][1] except: self.send_name = 'Zero' self.eco_cost = 0 self.eco_gain = 0 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #ROUND LENGTH INFO #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Initialize round length info self.rounds = initial_state.get('Rounds') # If the user specifies a starting round instead of a starting time, convert it to a starting time # self.current_time is a nonnegative real number telling us how much game time has elapsed # self.current_round is an integer telling us what round we're currently on # NOTE: In the initial state, the player can specify a decimal value for rounds. A 'Game Round' of 19.5 means "halfway through Round 19" for instance. if initial_state.get('Game Round') is not None: starting_round = initial_state.get('Game Round') self.current_time = self.rounds.getTimeFromRound(starting_round) self.current_round = int(np.floor(starting_round)) else: self.current_time = initial_state.get('Game Time') self.current_round = self.rounds.getRoundFromTime(self.current_time) #~~~~~~~ #LOGGING #~~~~~~~ #As the Game State evolves, I'll use these arrays to track how cash and eco have changed over time self.time_states = [self.current_time] self.cash_states = [] self.eco_states = [] #These lists will hold tuples (time, message) self.buy_messages = [] self.eco_messages = [] #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #FARMS & ALT-ECO #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Process the initial info given about farms/alt-eco: #Info for whether T5 Farms are up or not self.T5_exists = [False, False, False] #First, farms! self.farms = {} farm_info = initial_state.get('Farms') self.key = 0 if farm_info is not None: for key in farm_info.keys(): if key >= self.key: self.key = key+1 farm_dict = farm_info[key] self.farms[key] = MonkeyFarm(farm_dict) #If the farm is a T5 farm, modify our T5 flags appropriately #Do not allow the user to initialize with multiple T5's for i in range(3): if self.farms[key].upgrades[i] == 5 and self.T5_exists[i] == False: self.T5_exists[i] = True elif self.farms[key].upgrades[i] == 5 and self.T5_exists[i] == True: self.farms[key].upgrades[i] = 4 #Next, boat farms! self.boat_farms = initial_state.get('Boat Farms') self.Tempire_exists = False self.boat_key = 0 if self.boat_farms is not None: for key in boat_farms.keys(): if key >= self.key: self.key = key+1 boat_farm = self.boat_farms[key] #If the boat farm is a Tempire, mark it as such appropriately. #Do not allow the user to initialize with multiple Tempires! if boat_farm['Upgrade'] == 5 and self.Tempire_exists[i] == False: self.Tempire_exists = True elif boat_farm['Upgrade'] == 5 and self.Tempire_exists[i] == True: boat_farm['Upgrade'] = 4 #Next, druid farms! self.druid_farms = initial_state.get('Druid Farms') if self.druid_farms is not None: self.sotf = self.druid_farms['Spirit of the Forest Index'] self.druid_key = len(self.druid_farms) - 2 else: self.sotf = None self.druid_key = 0 if self.sotf is not None: self.sotf_min_use_time = self.druid_farms[self.sotf] + 20 else: self.sotf_min_use_time = None #Next, supply drops! self.supply_drops = initial_state.get('Supply Drops') if self.supply_drops is not None: self.elite_sniper = self.supply_drops['Elite Sniper Index'] self.sniper_key = len(self.supply_drops) - 2 else: self.elite_sniper = None self.sniper_key = 0 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #THE QUEUE SYSTEM #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Eco queue info self.eco_queue = initial_state.get('Eco Queue') #Upgrade queue self.buy_queue = initial_state.get('Buy Queue') self.buy_cost = None self.buffer = 0 self.min_buy_time = None #For repeated supply drop buys self.supply_drop_max_buy_time = -1 self.supply_drop_buffer = 0 #For repeated druid farm buys self.druid_farm_max_buy_time = -1 self.druid_farm_buffer = 0 #~~~~~~~~~~ #FAIL-SAFES #~~~~~~~~~~ if self.farms is None: self.farms = {} if self.buy_queue is None: self.buy_queue = [] if self.eco_queue is None: self.eco_queue = [] if is None: = 0 if self.boat_farms is None: self.boat_farms = {} self.logs.append("MESSAGE FROM GameState.__init__(): ") self.logs.append("Initialized Game State!") self.logs.append("The current game round is %s"%(self.current_round)) self.logs.append("The current game time is %s seconds"%(self.current_time)) self.logs.append("The game round start times are given by %s \n"%(self.rounds.round_starts)) def viewCashEcoHistory(self, dim = (15,18)): self.logs.append("MESSAGE FROM GameState.viewCashEcoHistory():") self.logs.append("Graphing history of cash and eco!") #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Graph the cash and eco values over time #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) fig.set_size_inches(dim[0],dim[1]) ax[0].plot(self.time_states, self.cash_states, label = "Cash") ax[1].plot(self.time_states, self.eco_states, label = "Eco") #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Mark where the rounds start #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cash_min = min(self.cash_states) eco_min = min(self.eco_states) cash_max = max(self.cash_states) eco_max = max(self.eco_states) round_to_graph = self.rounds.getRoundFromTime(self.time_states[0]) + 1 while self.rounds.round_starts[round_to_graph] <= self.time_states[-1]: ax[0].plot([self.rounds.round_starts[round_to_graph], self.rounds.round_starts[round_to_graph]],[cash_min-1, cash_max+1], label = "R" + str(round_to_graph) + " start", linestyle='dotted', color = 'k') ax[1].plot([self.rounds.round_starts[round_to_graph], self.rounds.round_starts[round_to_graph]],[eco_min-1, eco_max+1], label = "R" + str(round_to_graph) + " start", linestyle='dotted', color = 'k') round_to_graph += 1 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Mark where purchases in the buy queue and eco queue occurred #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for message in self.buy_messages: if message[2] == 'Eco': line_color = 'b' elif message[2] == 'Buy': line_color = 'r' if len(message[1]) > 30: thing_to_say = message[1][0:22] + '...' else: thing_to_say = message[1] ax[0].plot([message[0],message[0]],[cash_min-1, cash_max+1], label = thing_to_say, linestyle = 'dashed', color = line_color) ax[1].plot([message[0],message[0]],[eco_min-1, eco_max+1], label = thing_to_say, linestyle = 'dashed', color = line_color) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Label the graphs #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ax[0].set_title("Cash vs Time") ax[1].set_title("Eco vs Time") ax[0].set_ylabel("Cash") ax[1].set_ylabel("Eco") ax[1].set_xlabel("Time (seconds)") ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor = (1.02, 1)) ax[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor = (1.02, 1)) fig.tight_layout() display(fig, target="graph-area", append=False) self.logs.append("Successfully generated graph! \n") def changeStallFactor(self,stall_factor): #This is just a helper function self.rounds.changeStallFactor(stall_factor,self.current_time) def ecoQueueCorrection(self): #Check whether the next item in the eco queue is valid. future_flag = False while len(self.eco_queue) > 0 and future_flag == False: break_flag = False while len(self.eco_queue) > 0 and break_flag == False: #print("length of queue: %s"%(len(self.eco_queue))) #Is the eco send too late? if self.eco_queue[0][0] >= self.rounds.getTimeFromRound(eco_send_availability[self.eco_queue[0][1]][1]+1): #Yes, the send is too late. self.logs.append("Warning! Time %s is too late to call %s. Removing from eco queue"%(self.eco_queue[0][0],self.eco_queue[0][1])) self.eco_queue.pop(0) else: #No, the send is not too late #Is the eco send too early? candidate_time = self.rounds.getTimeFromRound(eco_send_availability[self.eco_queue[0][1]][0]) if self.eco_queue[0][0] < candidate_time: #Yes, the send is too early self.logs.append("Warning! Time %s is too early to call %s. Adjusting the queue time to %s"%(self.eco_queue[0][0],self.eco_queue[0][1], candidate_time)) self.eco_queue[0] = (candidate_time, self.eco_queue[0][1]) #Is the adjusted time still valid? if len(self.eco_queue) < 2 or self.eco_queue[0][0] < self.eco_queue[1][0]: #Yes, it's still valid break_flag = True else: #No, it's not valid self.logs.append("Warning! Time %s is too late to call %s because the next item in the eco queue is slated to come earlier. Removing from eco queue"%(self.eco_queue[0][0],self.eco_queue[0][1])) self.eco_queue.pop(0) else: #No, the send is not too early break_flag = True if len(self.eco_queue) > 0 and self.eco_queue[0][0] <= self.current_time: self.changeEcoSend(self.eco_queue[0][1]) self.eco_queue.pop(0) else: future_flag = True def changeEcoSend(self,send_name): #TODO: Implement safeguards to prevent the player from changing to an eco send that is unavailable self.eco_cost = eco_send_info[send_name][0] self.eco_gain = eco_send_info[send_name][1] self.send_name = send_name self.logs.append("Modified the eco send to %s"%(send_name)) def fastForward(self, target_time = None, target_round = None, interval = 0.1): self.logs.append("MESSAGE FROM GameState.fastForward: ") # If a target round is given, compute the target_time from that if target_round is not None: target_time = self.rounds.getTimeFromRound(target_round) #A fail-safe to prevent the code from trying to go backwards in time if target_time < self.current_time: target_time = self.current_time while self.current_time < target_time: intermediate_time = min(max(np.floor(self.current_time/interval + 1)*interval,self.current_time + interval/2),target_time) self.logs.append("Advancing game to time %s"%(np.round(intermediate_time,3))) self.advanceGameState(target_time = intermediate_time) self.logs.append("----------") self.logs.append("Advanced game state to round " + str(self.current_round)) self.logs.append("The current time is " + str(self.current_time)) self.logs.append("The next round starts at time " + str(self.rounds.round_starts[self.current_round+1])) self.logs.append("Our new cash and eco is given by (%s,%s) \n"%(np.round(,2),np.round(,2))) def advanceGameState(self, target_time = None, target_round = None): #self.logs.append("MESSAGE FROM GameState.advanceGameState: ") # Advance the game to the time target_time, # computing the new money and eco amounts at target_time # FAIL-SAFE self.ecoQueueCorrection() # FAIL-SAFE: Terminate advanceGameState early if an eco change is scheduled before the target_time. if len(self.eco_queue) > 0 and self.eco_queue[0][0] < target_time: #Yes, an eco change will occur target_time = self.eco_queue[0][0] # FAIL-SAFE: Check whether the current eco send is valid. If it is not, change the eco send to zero. if eco_send_availability[self.send_name][1] < self.current_round: self.logs.append("Warning! The current eco send is no longer available! Switching to the zero send.") self.changeEcoSend('Zero') self.buy_messages.append((self.current_time, 'Change eco to %s'%(self.send_name), 'Eco')) # FAIL-SAFE: Prevent advanceGameState from using an eco send after it becomes unavailable by terminating early in this case. if eco_send_availability[self.send_name][1] + 1 <= self.rounds.getRoundFromTime(target_time): target_time = self.rounds.getTimeFromRound(eco_send_availability[self.send_name][1] + 1) self.logs.append("Warning! The current eco send will not be available after the conclusion of round %s. Adjusting the target time."%(eco_send_availability[self.send_name][1])) # FAIL-SAFE: Only try to update if we are trying to go into the future. Do NOT try to go back in time! if target_time <= self.current_time: self.logs.append("Warning! The target time is in the past! Terminating advanceGameState()") return None ############################################ #PART 1: COMPUTATION OF PAYOUT TIMES & INFOS ############################################ #Determine times that payouts are awarded in the game. Whenever possible, compute the payout amount immediately. #Note that eco payments and start-of-round bank bonuses are *time* dependent, so the computation of their payouts is deferred until part 2 #Entries in payout_times take the format of a dictionary with paramters 'Time' and 'Payment' (if possible). payout_times = [] #First, let's identify payouts from eco eco_time = 6*(np.floor(self.current_time/6)+1) while eco_time <= target_time: payout_entry = { 'Time': eco_time, 'Payout Type': 'Eco' } payout_times.append(payout_entry) eco_time += 6 #Next, let's do druid farms! if self.druid_farms is not None: for key in self.druid_farms.keys(): druid_farm = self.druid_farms[key] if key != self.sotf: #Determine the earliest druid farm activation that could occur within the interval of interest (self.current_time,target_time] use_index = max(1,np.floor(1 + (self.current_time - druid_farm - 20)/40)+1) druid_farm_time = druid_farm + 20 + 40*(use_index-1) while druid_farm_time <= target_time: payout_entry = { 'Time': druid_farm_time, 'Payout Type': 'Direct', 'Payout': 1000 } payout_times.append(payout_entry) druid_farm_time += 40 elif key == self.sotf: #Spirit of the Forest has a start of round payment of 3000 dollars and an "optional" active that is used #At the start of each round, append a payout entry with the SOTF payout = 1 while self.rounds.getTimeFromRound(self.current_round + <= target_time: payout_entry = { 'Time': self.rounds.getTimeFromRound(self.current_round +, 'Payout Type': 'Direct', 'Payout': 3000 } payout_times.append(payout_entry) += 1 #Next, let's do supply drops if self.supply_drops is not None: for key in self.supply_drops.keys(): supply_drop = self.supply_drops[key] if key == self.elite_sniper: payout_amount = 5000 else: payout_amount = 2000 #Determine the earliest supply drop activation that could occur within the interval of interest (self.current_time,target_time] drop_index = max(1,np.floor(1 + (self.current_time - supply_drop - 20)/40)+1) supply_drop_time = supply_drop + 20 + 40*(drop_index-1) while supply_drop_time <= target_time: payout_entry = { 'Time': supply_drop_time, 'Payout Type': 'Direct', 'Payout': payout_amount } payout_times.append(payout_entry) supply_drop_time += 40 #Next, let's do farms! if len(self.farms) > 0: for key in self.farms.keys(): farm = self.farms[key] #If the farm is a monkeyopolis, determine the payout times of the active ability if farm.upgrades[1] == 5: farm_time = farm.min_use_time while farm_time <= target_time: if farm_time > self.current_time: payout_entry = { 'Time': farm_time, 'Payout Type': 'Direct', 'Payout': 20000 } payout_times.append(payout_entry) farm_time += 60 farm.min_use_time = farm_time farm_purchase_round = self.rounds.getRoundFromTime(farm.purchase_time) = 0 self.flag = False while self.flag == False: #If computing farm payments on the same round as we are currently on, precompute the indices the for loop should go through. #NOTE: This is not necessary at the end because the for loop terminates when a "future" payment is reached. if == 0: if self.current_round > farm_purchase_round: #When the farm was purchased on a previous round round_time = self.current_time - self.rounds.round_starts[self.current_round] loop_start = int(np.floor(farm.payout_frequency*round_time/nat_send_lens[self.current_round]) + 1) loop_end = farm.payout_frequency else: #self.current_round == farm_purhcase_round #When the farm was purchased on the same round as we are currently on loop_start = int(np.floor(farm.payout_frequency*(self.current_time - farm.purchase_time)/nat_send_lens[self.current_round]-1)+1) loop_end = int(np.ceil(farm.payout_frequency*(1 - (farm.purchase_time - self.rounds.round_starts[self.current_round])/nat_send_lens[self.current_round])-1)-1) else: loop_start = 0 loop_end = farm.payout_frequency #self.logs.append("Precomputed the loop indices to be (%s,%s)"%(loop_start,loop_end)) #self.logs.append("Now computing payments at round %s"%(self.current_round + for i in range(loop_start, loop_end): #Precompute the value i that this for loop should start at (as opposed to always starting at 0) to avoid redundant computations #Farm payout rules are different for the round the farm is bought on versus subsequent rounds if self.current_round + == farm_purchase_round: farm_time = farm.purchase_time + (i+1)*nat_send_lens[self.current_round +]/farm.payout_frequency else: farm_time = self.rounds.round_starts[self.current_round +] + i*nat_send_lens[self.current_round +]/farm.payout_frequency #Check if the payment time occurs within our update window. If it does, add it to the payout times list if farm_time <= target_time and farm_time > self.current_time: #Farm payouts will either immediately be added to the player's cash or added to the monkey bank's account value #This depends of course on whether the farm is a bank or not. #WARNING: If the farm we are dealing with a bank, we must direct the payment into the bank rather than the player. #WARNING: If the farm we are dealing with is a MWS, we must check whether we are awarding the MWS bonus payment! #WARNING: If the farm we are dealing with is a BRF, we must whether the BRF buff is being applied or not! if farm.upgrades[1] >= 3: if i == 0 and self.current_round + > farm_purchase_round: #At the start of every round, every bank gets a $400 payment and then is awarded 20% interest. payout_entry = { 'Time': farm_time, 'Payout Type': 'Bank Interest', 'Index': key, } payout_times.append(payout_entry) payout_entry = { 'Time': farm_time, 'Payout Type': 'Bank Payment', 'Index': key, 'Payout': farm.payout_amount } elif i == 0 and farm.upgrades[2] == 5 and self.current_round + > farm_purchase_round: payout_entry = { 'Time': farm_time, 'Payout Type': 'Direct', 'Payout': farm.payout_amount + 10000 } elif farm.upgrades[0] == 4 and self.T5_exists[0] == True: payout_entry = { 'Time': farm_time, 'Payout Type': 'Direct', 'Payout': farm.payout_amount*1.25 } else: payout_entry = { 'Time': farm_time, 'Payout Type': 'Direct', 'Payout': farm.payout_amount } payout_times.append(payout_entry) elif farm_time > target_time: #self.logs.append("The payout time of %s is too late! Excluding payout time!"%(farm_time)) self.flag = True break += 1 #Now, let's do boat farms! if len(self.boat_farms) > 0: #If the player has Trade Empire, determine the buff to be applied to other boat farm payments if self.Tempire_exists == True: arg = min(len(self.boat_farms) - 1,20) else: arg = 0 multiplier = 1 + 0.05*arg #Determine the amount of the money the boats will give each round boat_payout = 0 for key in self.boat_farms.keys(): boat_farm = self.boat_farms[key] boat_payout += multiplier*boat_payout_values[boat_farm['Upgrade'] - 3] #At the start of each round, append a payout entry with the boat payout = 1 while self.rounds.getTimeFromRound(self.current_round + <= target_time: payout_entry = { 'Time': self.rounds.getTimeFromRound(self.current_round +, 'Payout Type': 'Direct', 'Payout': boat_payout } payout_times.append(payout_entry) += 1 #Now that we determined all the payouts, sort the payout times by the order they occur in payout_times = sorted(payout_times, key=lambda x: x['Time']) #self.logs.append("Sorted the payouts in order of increasing time!") ############################## #PART 2: COMPUTATION OF WEALTH ############################## #Now that payouts are sorted, award them in the order they are meant to be awarded in. #This is essential for the correct computation of wealth gained over the given time period. time = self.current_time buy_time = target_time for i in range(len(payout_times)): payout = payout_times[i] #This prevents more payouts from being awarded after a purchase has been made #DEVELOPER'S NOTE: This code works but a better way is known. I'm simply too lazy rn to address it. if payout['Time'] > buy_time: self.logs.append("Terminating advanceGameState early due to a purchase sequence.") target_time = time break #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #First, compute the impact of eco #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if self.eco_cost > 0: = - min(,self.eco_cost*(payout['Time']-time)/6) = + min((payout['Time']-time)/6,*self.eco_gain #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Next, award the payout at the given time #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # WARNING! If an IMF Loan is active, half of the payment must go towards the loan. if payout['Payout Type'] == 'Direct': #This case is easy! Just award the payment and move on, = impact(,, payout['Payout']) self.logs.append("Awarded direct payment %s at time %s"%(np.round(payout['Payout'],2),np.round(payout['Time'],2))) elif payout['Payout Type'] == 'Bank Payment': #Identify the bank that we're paying and deposit money into that bank's account #NOTE: Bank deposits are not impacted by IMF Loans. It is only when we withdraw the money that the loan is repaid key = payout['Index'] farm = self.farms[key] farm.account_value += payout['Payout'] self.logs.append("Awarded bank payment %s at time %s to farm at index %s"%(np.round(payout['Payout'],2),np.round(payout['Time'],2), key)) if farm.account_value > farm.max_account_value: #At this point, the player should withdraw from the bank. T farm.account_value = 0, = impact(,,farm.max_account_value) self.logs.append("The bank at index %s reached max capacity! Withdrawing money"%(key)) self.logs.append("The bank's new account value is %s"%(farm.account_value)) elif payout['Payout Type'] == 'Bank Interest': #Identify the bank that we're paying and deposit $400, then give 20% interest key = payout['Index'] farm = self.farms[key] farm.account_value += 400 farm.account_value *= 1.2 self.logs.append("Awarded bank interest at time %s to the farm at index %s"%(np.round(payout['Time'],2), key)) if farm.account_value > farm.max_account_value: farm.account_value = 0, = impact(,,farm.max_account_value) self.logs.append("The bank at index %s reached max capacity! Withdrawing money"%(key)) self.logs.append("The bank's new account value is %s"%(farm.account_value)) elif payout['Payout Type'] == 'Eco':, = impact(,, self.logs.append("Awarded eco payment %s at time %s"%(np.round(,2),np.round(payout['Time'],2))) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Now, check whether we can perform the next buy in the buy queue #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Only attempt to make a purchase after *all* payouts in a given time have been awarded! try_to_buy = False if i == len(payout_times)-1: try_to_buy = True elif payout_times[i]['Time'] < payout_times[i+1]['Time']: try_to_buy = True buy_message_list = [] # DEVELOPER'S NOTE: It is possible for the queue to be empty but for there to still be purchases to be performed while len(self.buy_queue) > 0 and try_to_buy == True: # To begin, pull out the first item in the buy queue and determine the hypothetical cash and loan amounts # if this transaction was performed, as well as the minimum buy time for the transaction. h_cash = h_loan = self.buffer = 0 # Let's start by determining the minimum buy time. # NOTE: Only one object in purchase info should have minimum buy time info # If there are multiple values, the code will pick the latest value purchase_info = self.buy_queue[0] if self.min_buy_time is None: self.min_buy_time = 0 # DEVELOPER NOTE: self.min_buy_time is initialized as None and set to None following the completion of a purhcase in the buy queue # This if condition prevents the redundant computation. for dict_obj in purchase_info: min_buy_time = dict_obj.get('Minimum Buy Time') if min_buy_time is not None: if min_buy_time > self.min_buy_time: self.min_buy_time = min_buy_time #If the dict_obj is an IMF Loan activation, force self.min_buy_time to be at least the min_use_time of the loan if dict_obj['Type'] == 'Activate IMF': ind = dict_obj['Index'] farm = self.farms[ind] if farm.min_use_time is not None and farm.min_use_time > self.min_buy_time: self.min_buy_time = farm.min_use_time elif farm.min_use_time is None: #If the farm doesn't have a min_use_time designated, it can't be an IMF farm! self.min_buy_time = float('inf') break #If the dict_obj is a SOTF use, force self.min_buy_time to be at least be the self.sotf_min_use_time if dict_obj['Type'] == 'Use Spirit of the Forest': if self.sotf_min_use_time is not None and self.sotf_min_use_time > self.min_buy_time: self.min_buy_time = self.sotf_min_use_time elif self.sotf_min_use_time is None: #Do not attempt to use SOTF if we don't have SOTF self.min_buy_time = float('inf') break self.logs.append("Determined the minimum buy time of the next purchase to be %s"%(self.min_buy_time)) # If we have not yet reached the minimum buy time, break the while loop. # We will check this condition again later: if payout['Time'] < self.min_buy_time: break #Next, let's compute the cash and loan values we would have if the transaction was performed #We will also take the opportunity here to form the message that gets sent to the graph for viewCashEcoHistory self.valid_action_flag = True for dict_obj in purchase_info: # DEFENSE RELATED MATTERS if dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Defense': h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, -1*dict_obj['Cost']) # FARM RELATED MATTERS elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Farm': h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, -1050) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Upgrade Farm': ind = dict_obj['Index'] path = dict_obj['Path'] farm = self.farms[ind] #The following code prevents from the player from having multiple T5's in play if farm.upgrades[path]+1 == 5 and self.T5_exists[path] == True: self.logs.append("WARNING! Tried to purchase a T5 farm when one of the same kind already existed!") self.valid_action_flag = False break h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, -1*farm_upgrades_costs[path][farm.upgrades[path]]) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Sell Farm': ind = dict_obj['Index'] farm = self.farms[ind] h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, farm_sell_values[tuple(farm.upgrades)]) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Withdraw Bank': #WARNING: The farm in question must actually be a bank for us to perform a withdrawal! #If it isn't, break the loop prematurely ind = dict_obj['Index'] farm = self.farms[ind] if farm.upgrades[1] < 3: self.logs.append("WARNING! Tried to Withdraw from a farm that is not a bank!") self.valid_action_flag = False break h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, farm.account_value) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Activate IMF': #WARNING: The farm in question must actually be an IMF Loan for us to use this ability! #If it isn't, set a flag to False and break the loop. #DEVELOPER'S NOTE: A farm that has a min_use_time is not necessarily an IMF loan, it could also be an Monkeyopolis if farm.upgrades[1] != 4: self.logs.append("WARNING! Tried to take out a loan from a farm that is not an IMF!") self.valid_action_flag = False break ind = dict_obj['Index'] farm = self.farms[ind] #When, a loan is activated, treat it like a payment, then add the debt h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, 20000) h_loan += 20000 # BOAT FARM RELATED MATTERS elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Boat Farm': h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, -2800) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Upgrade Boat Farm': ind = dict_obj['Index'] boat_farm = self.boat_farms[ind] #The following code prevents from the player from having multiple Trade Empires in play if boat_farm['Upgrade']+1 == 5 and self.Tempire_exists == True: self.logs.append("WARNING! Tried to purchase a Trade Empire when one already exists!") self.valid_action_flag = False break upgrade_cost = boat_upgrades_costs[boat_farm['Upgrade']-3] h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, -1*upgrade_cost) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Sell Boat Farm': ind = dict_obj['Index'] boat_farm = self.boat_farms[ind] h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, boat_sell_values[boat_farm['Upgrade']-3]) # DRUID FARM RELATED MATTERS elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Druid Farm': h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, -4775) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Sell Druid Farm': h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, 3342.5) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Spirit of the Forest': #WARNING: There can only be one sotf at a time! if self.sotf is not None: self.valid_action_flag = False break h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, -35000) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Use Spirit of the Forest': #Whether or not SOTF is off cooldown is governed by the min_buy_time check h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, 750) # SUPPLY DROP RELATED MATTERS elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Supply Drop': h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, -9850) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Sell Supply Drop': h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, 6895) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Elite Sniper': #WARNING: There can only be one e-sniper at a time! if self.elite_sniper is not None: self.valid_action_flag = False break h_cash, h_loan = impact(h_cash, h_loan, -14000) #If at any point while performing these operations our cash becomes negative, then prevent the transaction from occurring: if h_cash < 0: #self.logs.append("WARNING! Reached negative cash while attempting the transaction!") self.valid_action_flag = False break #Read the buffer associated with the buy if any #NOTE: Only one object in purchase_info should have buffer info #If there are multiple buffers, the code rectifies the matter by #adding them all together if dict_obj.get('Buffer') is not None: self.buffer += dict_obj.get('Buffer') #If the purchase sequence triggered a warning in the logs, do NOT perform it and break the while loop if self.valid_action_flag == False: break # Now, check if we are eligible to do the buy. # Note at this point we have already checked whether we have reached the minimum time for the buy and also # we have already checked whether the buy item is valid. We now just need to check whether we have enough money! #self.logs.append("We have %s cash, but the next buy costs %s and has a buffer of %s and needs to be made on or after time %s!"%(np.round(,2), np.round( - h_cash,2),np.round(self.buffer,2), self.min_buy_time)) if h_cash >= self.buffer: #If we do, perform the buy! buy_time = payout['Time'] self.logs.append("We have %s cash! We can do the next buy, which costs %s and has a buffer of %s and a minimum buy time of %s!"%(np.round(,2), np.round( - h_cash,2),np.round(self.buffer,2),np.round(self.min_buy_time,2))) #Make the adjustments to the cash and loan amounts = h_cash = h_loan for dict_obj in purchase_info: buy_message_list.append(dict_obj['Message']) #FARM RELATED MATTERS if dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Farm': self.logs.append("Purchasing farm!") farm_info = { 'Purchase Time': self.current_time, 'Upgrades': [0,0,0] } farm = MonkeyFarm(farm_info) self.farms[self.key] = farm self.key+= 1 elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Upgrade Farm': ind = dict_obj['Index'] path = dict_obj['Path'] self.logs.append("Upgrading path %s of the farm at index %s"%(path, ind)) farm = self.farms[ind] farm.upgrades[path] += 1 #Update the payout information of the farm farm.payout_amount = farm_payout_values[tuple(farm.upgrades)][0] farm.payout_frequency = farm_payout_values[tuple(farm.upgrades)][1] #So that we can accurately track payments for the farm farm.purchase_time = payout['Time'] #Update the sellback value of the farm farm.sell_value = farm_sell_values[tuple(farm.upgrades)] self.logs.append("The new farm has upgrades (%s,%s,%s)"%(farm.upgrades[0],farm.upgrades[1],farm.upgrades[2])) #If the resulting farm is a Monkey Bank, indicate as such and set its max account value appropriately if farm.upgrades[1] >= 3 and path == 1: = True farm.max_account_value = farm_bank_capacity[farm.upgrades[1]] self.logs.append("The new farm is a bank! The bank's max capacity is %s"%(farm.max_account_value)) #If the resulting farm is an IMF Loan or Monkeyopolis, determine the earliest time the loan can be used if farm.upgrades[1] > 3 and path == 1: farm.min_use_time = payout['Time'] + 20 #initial cooldown of 20 seconds #If the resulting farm is a Banana Central, activate the BRF buff, giving them 25% more payment amount if farm.upgrades[0] == 5 and path == 0: self.logs.append("The new farm is a Banana Central!") self.T5_exists[0] = True #If the resutling farm is a Monkeyopolis, mark the x5x_exists flag as true to prevent the user from trying to have multiple of them if farm.upgrades[1] == 5: self.T5_exists[1] = True #If the resulting farm is a MWS, mark the MWS_exists flag as true to prevent the user from trying to have multiple of them. if farm.upgrades[2] == 5: self.T5_exists[2] = True elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Sell Farm': ind = dict_obj['Index'] self.logs.append("Selling the farm at index %s"%(ind)) #If the farm being sold is a Banana Central, we must turn off the BRF buff if farm.upgrades[0] == 5: self.logs.append("The farm we're selling is a Banana Central! Removing the BRF buff.") self.T5_exists[0] = False self.farms.pop(ind) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Withdraw Bank': self.logs.append("Withdrawing money from the bank at index %s"%(ind)) ind = dict_obj['Index'] farm = self.farms[ind] farm.account_value = 0 elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Activate IMF': ind = dict_obj['Index'] farm = self.farms[ind] self.logs.append("Taking out a loan from the IMF at index %s"%(ind)) farm.min_use_time = payout['Time'] + 90 # BOAT FARM RELATED MATTERS elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Boat Farm': self.logs.append("Purchasing boat farm!") boat_farm = { 'Purchase Time': self.current_time, 'Upgrade': 3 } self.boat_farms[self.boat_key] = boat_farm self.boat_key += 1 elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Upgrade Boat Farm': ind = dict_obj['Index'] self.logs.append("Upgrading the boat farm at index %s"%(ind)) boat_farm = self.boat_farms[ind] boat_farm['Upgrade'] += 1 #Update the payout information of the boat farm boat_farm['Payout'] = boat_payout_values[boat_farm['Upgrade'] - 3] #So that we can accurately track payments for the boat farm boat['Purchase Time'] = payout['Time'] #Update the sellback value of the boat farm boat['Sell Value'] = boat_sell_values[boat_farm['Upgrade'] - 3] #If the new boat farm is a Trade Empire, indicate as such if boat_farm['Upgrade'] == 5: self.logs.append("The new boat farm is a Trade Empire!") self.Tempire_exists = True elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Sell Boat Farm': ind = dict_obj['Index'] self.logs.append("Selling the boat farm at index %s"%(ind)) #If the farm being sold is a Trade Empire, indicate as such if boat_farm['Upgrade'] == 5: self.logs.append("The boat farm we're selling is a Trade Empire! Removing the Tempire buff.") self.Tempire_exists = False self.boat_farms.pop(ind) # DRUID FARMS elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Druid Farm': self.druid_farms[self.druid_key] = payout['Time'] self.druid_key += 1 self.logs.append("Purchased a druid farm!") elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Sell Druid Farm': ind = dict_obj['Index'] self.logs.append("Selling the druid farm at index %s"%(ind)) #If the druid we're selling is actually SOTF... if self.sotf is not None and ind == self.sotf: self.logs.append("The druid farm being sold is a Spirit of the Forest!") self.sotf = None self.sotf_min_use_time = None elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Spirit of the Forest': ind = dict_obj['Index'] self.sotf = ind self.logs.append("Upgrading the druid farm at index %s into a Spirit of the Forest!"%(ind)) #Determine the minimum time that the SOTF active could be used i = np.floor((20 + payout['Time'] - self.druid_farms[ind])/40) + 1 self.sotf_min_use_time = payout['Time'] + 20 + 40*(i-1) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Use Spirit of the Forest': self.logs.append("Using the Spirit of the Forest active (index %s)"%(self.sotf)) self.sotf_min_use_time = payout['Time'] + 40 elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Repeatedly Buy Druid Farms': self.druid_farm_max_buy_time = dict_obj['Maximum Buy Time'] self.druid_farm_buffer = dict_obj['Buffer'] self.logs.append("Triggered automated druid farm purchases until time %s"%(self.supply_drop_max_buy_time)) # SUPPLY DROP RELATED MATTERS elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Supply Drop': self.supply_drops[self.sniper_key] = payout['Time'] self.sniper_key += 1 self.logs.append("Purchased a supply drop!") elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Sell Supply Drop': ind = dict_obj['Index'] self.logs.append("Selling the supply drop at index %s"%(ind)) #If the supply drop we're selling is actually an E-sniper, then... if self.elite_sniper is not None: if ind == self.elite_sniper: self.logs.append("The supply drop being sold is an elite sniper!") self.elite_sniper = None self.supply_drops.pop(ind) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Buy Elite Sniper': ind = dict_obj['Index'] self.elite_sniper = ind self.logs.append("Upgrading the supply drop at index %s into an elite sniper!"%(ind)) elif dict_obj['Type'] == 'Repeatedly Buy Supply Drops': self.supply_drop_max_buy_time = dict_obj['Maximum Buy Time'] self.supply_drop_buffer = dict_obj['Buffer'] self.logs.append("Triggered automated supply drop purchases until time %s"%(self.supply_drop_max_buy_time)) #Now, we have finished the for loop through purchase_info and thus correctly performed the buys #Remove the buy from the queue and set self.buy_cost to None so the code knows next time to re-compute #the buy cost for the next item in the buy queue self.min_buy_time = None self.buffer = 0 self.buy_queue.pop(0) self.logs.append("Completed the buy operation! The buy queue now has %s items remaining in it"%(len(self.buy_queue))) else: #If we can't afford the buy, break the while loop #self.logs.append("We can't afford the buy! Terminating the buy queue while loop") break that players can see where in the graphs their purchases are occuring if len(buy_message_list) > 0: buy_message = ', '.join(buy_message_list) self.buy_messages.append((buy_time, buy_message, 'Buy')) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Automated Purchases #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # There is an option in the buy queue to trigger the action of repeatedly buying supply drops or druid farms. # These while loops process *those* transactions independently of the buy queue # WARNING: Unusual results will occur if you attempt to implement automated purchases of multiple alt eco's at the same time. # WARNING: Because automated purchases are processed after checking the buy queue, unexpected results may occur if items in the buy queue do not have a min_buy_time designated. if payout['Time'] <= self.supply_drop_max_buy_time and try_to_buy == True: while >= 9850 + self.supply_drop_buffer: buy_time = payout['Time'] #Lazy code, but it works -= 9850 self.supply_drops[self.sniper_key] = payout['Time'] self.sniper_key += 1 self.logs.append("Purchased a supply drop! (Automated purchase)") if payout['Time'] <= self.druid_farm_max_buy_time and try_to_buy == True: while >= 4775 + self.druid_farm_buffer: buy_time = payout['Time'] #Lazy code, but it works -= 4775 self.druid_farm[self.druid_key] = payout['Time'] self.druid_key += 1 self.logs.append("Purchased a druid farm!") #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Record the cash & eco history and advance the game time #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #print("New cash and eco is (%s,%s)"%(np.round(,2), np.round(,2))) self.time_states.append(payout['Time']) self.cash_states.append( self.eco_states.append( self.logs.append("Recorded cash and eco values (%s,%s) at time %s"%(np.round(,2),np.round(,2),np.round(payout['Time'],2))) time = payout['Time'] #end of for loop # After going through the for loop, we have accounted for all payments that could occur in the time period of interest # and also performed any purchases in our buy queue along the way. # The last step of PART 2 is to account for the loss in cash and gain in eco from the final payment to the target_time # If the for loop terminated prematurely because of a buy, this step is not necessary since the target time and current time would be both the same in this instance if self.eco_cost > 0: = - min(,self.eco_cost*(target_time-time)/6) = + min((target_time-time)/6,*self.eco_gain self.time_states.append(target_time) self.cash_states.append( self.eco_states.append( #################################### #PART 3: UPDATE GAME TIME PARAMETERS #################################### #Determine the round we are in now self.current_time = target_time while self.rounds.round_starts[self.current_round] <= self.current_time: self.current_round += 1 self.current_round -= 1 #Update the eco send, if necessary if len(self.eco_queue) > 0 and target_time >= self.eco_queue[0][0]: self.changeEcoSend(self.eco_queue[0][1]) self.buy_messages.append((self.current_time, 'Change eco to %s'%(self.send_name), 'Eco')) self.eco_queue.pop(0) #self.logs.append("Advanced game state to round " + str(self.current_round)) #self.logs.append("The current time is " + str(self.current_time)) #self.logs.append("The next round starts at time " + str(self.rounds.round_starts[self.current_round+1])) #self.logs.append("Our new cash and eco is given by (%s,%s) \n"%(np.round(,2),np.round(,2))) # %% [markdown] # # The Monkey Farm Class # %% [markdown] # The payout of farms (for the most part) can be described by a payout amount and a payout frequency. # %% [markdown] # Now it's time to define the MonkeyFarm class! # %% class MonkeyFarm(): def __init__(self, initial_state): ############### #BASIC FEATURES ############### #self.upgrades is an array [i,j,k] representing the upgrade state of the farm #EXAMPLE: [4,2,0] represents a Banana Research Facility with Valuable Bananas self.upgrades = initial_state.get('Upgrades') self.sell_value = farm_sell_values[tuple(self.upgrades)] self.purchase_time = initial_state.get('Purchase Time') self.payout_amount = farm_payout_values[tuple(self.upgrades)][0] self.payout_frequency = farm_payout_values[tuple(self.upgrades)][1] ############## #BANK FEATURES ############## = False #If the farm is a bank, mark is as such if self.upgrades[1] >= 3: = True self.account_value = 0 self.max_account_value = farm_bank_capacity[self.upgrades[1]] #Regarding the IMF Loan/Monkeyopolis active ability self.min_use_time = None if self.upgrades[1] >= 4: self.min_use_time = self.purchase_time + 20 # %% [markdown] # # Functions For Simulation # %% [markdown] # To begin, we define "actions" that the player can perform in the simulation # %% ############## # MONKEY FARMS ############## def buyFarm(buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Buy Farm', 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Buy Farm' } def upgradeFarm(index, path, buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Upgrade Farm', 'Index': index, 'Path': path, 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Upgrade farm %s at path %s'%(index, path+1) } def sellFarm(index, min_buy_time = 0): #Look, I know this is confusing, but "min_buy_time" really is the minimum selling time in this case! return { 'Type': 'Sell Farm', 'Index': index, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Sell farm %s'%(index) } def buyDefense(cost, buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0, message = 'Buy Defense'): return { 'Type': 'Buy Defense', 'Cost': cost, 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': message } def withdrawBank(index, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Withdraw Bank', 'Index': index, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Withdraw from farm %s'%(index) } def activateIMF(index, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Activate IMF', 'Index': index, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Take out loan from farm %s'%(index) } # WARNING: This function is for declaring farms in the initial game state. # Do NOT use it to add farms during simulation def initFarm(purchase_time = None, upgrades = [0,0,0]): return { 'Purchase Time': purchase_time, 'Upgrades': upgrades, 'Account Value': 0 } ############ # BOAT FARMS ############ def buyBoatFarm(buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Buy Boat Farm', 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Buy boat farm' } def upgradeBoatFarm(index, buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Upgrade Boat Farm', 'Index': index, 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Upgrade boat farm at index %s'%(index) } def sellBoatFarm(index, min_buy_time = 0): #Look, I know this is confusing, but "min_buy_time" really is the minimum selling time in this case! return { 'Type': 'Sell Boat Farm', 'Index': index, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Sell boat farm %s'%(index) } def initBoatFarm(purchase_time = None, upgrade = 3): return { 'Purchase Time': purchase_time, 'Upgrade': upgrade, } ############# # DRUID FARMS ############# def buyDruidFarm(buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Buy Druid Farm', 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Buy druid farm' } def buySOTF(index, buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Buy Spirit of the Forest', 'Index': index, 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Upgrade druid farm %s to SOTF'%(index) } def sellDruidFarm(index, buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Sell Druid Farm', 'Index': index, 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Sell druid farm %s'%(index) } def repeatedlyBuyDruidFarms(min_buy_time = 0, max_buy_time = float('inf'), buffer = 0): return { 'Type': 'Repeatedly Buy Druid Farms', 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Maximum Buy Time': max_buy_time, 'Buffer': buffer, 'Message': 'Trigger repeated druid farm buys until time %s'%(max_buy_time) } def useSOTF(min_buy_time = 0): #Look, I know this is confusing, but minimum buy time really is the minimum time that we use SOTF in this case! return { 'Type': 'Use Spirit of the Forest', 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Use SOTF active' } # WARNING: This function is for declaring druid farms in the initial game state. # Do NOT use it to add druid farms during simulation def initDruidFarms(purchase_times, sotf = None): dictionary = {} for i in range(len(purchase_times)): dictionary[i] = purchase_times[i] dictionary['Spirit of the Forest Index'] = sotf return dictionary ############## # SUPPLY DROPS ############## def buySupplyDrop(buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Buy Supply Drop', 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Buy supply drop' } def buyEliteSniper(index, buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Buy Elite Sniper', 'Index': index, 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Upgrade supply drop %s to e-sniper'%(index) } def sellSupplyDrop(index, buffer = 0, min_buy_time = 0): return { 'Type': 'Sell Supply Drop', 'Index': index, 'Buffer': buffer, 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Message': 'Sell supply drop %s'%(index) } def repeatedlyBuySupplyDrops(min_buy_time = 0, max_buy_time = float('inf'), buffer = 0): return { 'Type': 'Repeatedly Buy Supply Drops', 'Minimum Buy Time': min_buy_time, 'Maximum Buy Time': max_buy_time, 'Buffer': buffer, 'Message': 'Trigger repeated supply drop buys until time %s'%(max_buy_time) } # WARNING: This function is for declaring supply drops in the initial game state. # Do NOT use it to add supply drops during simulation def initSupplyDrops(purchase_times, elite_sniper = None): dictionary = {} for i in range(len(purchase_times)): dictionary[i] = purchase_times[i] dictionary['Elite Sniper Index'] = elite_sniper return dictionary # %% [markdown] # The goal of a simulator like this is to compare different strategies and see which one is better. To this end, we define a function capable of simulating multiple game states at once and comparing them. # %% def compareStrategies(initial_state, eco_queues, buy_queues, target_time = None, target_round = 30, display_farms = True): # Log file in case we need to check outputs logs = [] # Given an common initial state and N different tuples of (eco_queue, buy_queue), # Build N different instances of GameState, advance them to the target_time (or target round if specified) # Finally, graph their cash and eco histories # To begin, let's form the GameState objects we will use in our analysis! game_states = [] farm_incomes = [] N = len(eco_queues) for i in range(N): init = initial_state init['Eco Queue'] = eco_queues[i] init['Buy Queue'] = buy_queues[i] #print(init['Supply Drops']) game_states.append(GameState(init)) ######################### # GRAPH CASH & ECO STATES ######################### #Now intialize the graphs, one for cash and one for eco fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) fig.set_size_inches(8,12) #For each GameState object, advance the time, and then graph the cash and eco history i = 0 cash_min = None if target_round is not None: #Use the target round instead of the target time if specified target_time = game_states[0].rounds.getTimeFromRound(target_round) for game_state in game_states: logs.append("Simulating Game State %s"%(i)) game_state.fastForward(target_time = target_time) ax[0].plot(game_state.time_states, game_state.cash_states, label = "Cash of Game State %s"%(i)) ax[1].plot(game_state.time_states, game_state.eco_states, label = "Eco of Game State %s"%(i)) farm_income = 0 for key in game_state.farms.keys(): #WARNING: This is not a great measure to go by if the player has farms farm = game_state.farms[key] if game_state.T5_exists[0] == True and farm.upgrades[0] == 4: #If the farm is a BRF being buffed by Banana Central farm_income += 1.25*farm.payout_amount*farm.payout_frequency elif farm.upgrades[2] == 5: #If the farm is a Monkey Wall Street farm_income += 10000 + farm.payout_amount*farm.payout_frequency elif farm.upgrades[1] >= 3: #This is an *estimate* based on the impact of one round of bank payments farm_income = farm_income + 1.2*(farm.payout_amount*farm.payout_frequency + 400) else: farm_income += farm.payout_amount*farm.payout_frequency farm_incomes.append(farm_income) if cash_min is None: cash_min = min(game_state.cash_states) eco_min = min(game_state.eco_states) cash_max = max(game_state.cash_states) eco_max = max(game_state.eco_states) else: candidate_cash_min = min(game_state.cash_states) candidate_eco_min = min(game_state.eco_states) if candidate_cash_min < cash_min: cash_min = candidate_cash_min if candidate_eco_min < eco_min: eco_min = candidate_eco_min candidate_cash_max = max(game_state.cash_states) candidate_eco_max = max(game_state.eco_states) if candidate_cash_max > cash_max: cash_max = candidate_cash_max if candidate_eco_max > eco_max: eco_max = candidate_eco_max i += 1 #################### # GRAPH ROUND STARTS #################### # Also, graph when the rounds start # DEVELOPER'S NOTE: We are dealing with multiple game states where the stall factor in each game state may change # For now, I will just take the round starts from game state 0, but I'll have to adjust this later on down the road. round_to_graph = initial_state['Rounds'].getRoundFromTime(game_states[0].time_states[0]) + 1 while initial_state['Rounds'].round_starts[round_to_graph] <= game_states[0].time_states[-1]: logs.append("Graphing round %s, which starts at time %s"%(str(round_to_graph),str(initial_state['Rounds'].round_starts[round_to_graph]))) ax[0].plot([initial_state['Rounds'].round_starts[round_to_graph], initial_state['Rounds'].round_starts[round_to_graph]],[cash_min, cash_max], label = "R" + str(round_to_graph) + " start") ax[1].plot([initial_state['Rounds'].round_starts[round_to_graph], initial_state['Rounds'].round_starts[round_to_graph]],[eco_min, eco_max], label = "R" + str(round_to_graph) + " start") round_to_graph += 1 ################# # DISPLAY VISUALS ################# ax[0].set_title("Cash vs Time") ax[1].set_title("Eco vs Time") ax[0].set_ylabel("Cash") ax[1].set_ylabel("Eco") ax[1].set_xlabel("Time (seconds)") ax[0].legend(loc='upper left') ax[1].legend(loc='upper left') d = {'Game State': [i for i in range(N)], 'Farm Income': [farm_incomes[i] for i in range(N)]} df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) fig.tight_layout() display(df) display(fig, target="graph-area", append=False) logs.append("Successfully generated graph! \n") from pyodide.ffi import create_proxy from pyodide.ffi.wrappers import add_event_listener rounds = Rounds(1) buy_queue = [] eco_queue = [] farms = {} farmInfo = [] farmSlots = [] farmsToBuy = 0 initial_state = { 'Cash': 650, 'Eco': 250, 'Eco Send': 'Zero', 'Rounds': rounds, 'Game Round': 0, 'Buy Queue': buy_queue.copy(), 'Eco Queue': eco_queue.copy(), 'Farms': farms } def setStallFactor(): global rounds rounds = Rounds(float(Element('stallInput').value)) console.log(rounds.stall_factor) setInitialState(rounds) # restart without reloading def resetSim(): global rounds global farmSlots global farms global eco_queue global buy_queue console.log("hi") rounds = Rounds(1) buy_queue.clear() eco_queue.clear() farms.clear() farmInfo.clear() farmSlots.clear() initial_state = { 'Cash': 650, 'Eco': 250, 'Eco Send': 'Zero', 'Rounds': rounds, 'Game Round': 0, 'Buy Queue': buy_queue.copy(), 'Eco Queue': eco_queue.copy(), 'Farms': farms } resetDom() renderFarmSlots() #Helper function to wipe dom instead of reloading def resetDom(): forms = document.querySelectorAll('form') for form in forms: form.reset() deleteChildren('#ecoQueue') deleteChildren('#buyQueue') deleteChildren('#startingFarms') deleteChildren('#graph-area') span = document.createElement('span') span.textContent = "Nothing Here Yet :P" span.classList.add('graphPlaceholder') document.getElementById('graph-area').appendChild(span) deleteChildren('#logdiv') #wipes node based on selector def deleteChildren(tag): node = document.querySelector(tag) while node.firstChild: node.removeChild(node.lastChild) #updates gamestate based on all the global variables and their inputs def setInitialState(stallFactorNum = rounds): global rounds stallFactorNum = rounds initial_state['Cash'] = float(Element('cashInput').value) initial_state['Eco'] = float(Element('ecoInput').value) initial_state['Eco Send'] = Element('ecoSendInput').value initial_state['Rounds'] = stallFactorNum initial_state['Game Round'] = float(Element('startRoundInput').value) initial_state['Eco Queue'] = sorted(eco_queue.copy()) initial_state['Buy Queue'] = (buy_queue.copy()) initial_state['Farms'] = farms writeLog(initial_state); def createFarm(): farmInfo.append(initFarm(0, [ int(Element('farmPath1').value), int(Element('farmPath2').value), int(Element('farmPath3').value) ] )) console.log(enumerate(farmInfo)) for index, farm in enumerate(farmInfo): farms[index] = farmInfo[index] i = 0 updateFarmSlots() renderInitialFarms() setInitialState() def renderInitialFarms(): global farmInfo farmDisplay = document.querySelector('#startingFarms') deleteChildren('#startingFarms') for index, farm in enumerate(farmInfo): p = document.createElement('p') p.textContent = f"Farm #{index}: {str(farm['Upgrades'])}" farmDisplay.appendChild(p) def purchaseFarm(): buffer = int(document.querySelector('#newFarmBuffer').value) buy_queue.append([buyFarm(buffer)]) global farmsToBuy farmsToBuy+=1 updateFarmSlots() renderBuyQueue() setInitialState() def updateFarmSlots(): global farmSlots farmSlots = [] global farmInfo console.log('farmInfo:' + str(repr(farmInfo))) for index, farm in enumerate(farmInfo): farmSlots.append(True) global farmsToBuy for i in range(farmsToBuy): farmSlots.append(True) console.log(repr(farmSlots)) renderFarmSlots() def renderFarmSlots(): # looks like This #

no farms :(

# # # #
# # deleteChildren('#farmSelect') farmSelect = document.querySelector('#farmSelect') if len(farmSlots) !=0: for index, value in enumerate(farmSlots): farmRadio = document.createElement('input') farmRadio.type = 'radio' = 'farmIndex' = f"farm{index}" farmRadio.value = index radioLabel = document.createElement('label') radioLabel.setAttribute('for', f"farm{index}") radioLabel.innerText = f"Farm {index}" farmSelect.appendChild(farmRadio) farmSelect.appendChild(radioLabel) buttons = document.querySelectorAll('#upgradeFarmButtons button') for button in buttons: button.disabled = False else: p = document.createElement('p') p.textContent = "No farms :(" farmSelect.appendChild(p) buttons = document.querySelectorAll('#upgradeFarmButtons button') for button in buttons: button.disabled = True farmRadios = document.querySelectorAll('#farmSelect input') for radio in farmRadios: add_event_listener(radio, 'click', lambda e: updateFarmSegment(e)) def updateFarmSegment(e): segments = document.querySelectorAll('#farmSelect label'); for segment in segments: segment.classList.remove('pressed');'pressed') segment = document.querySelector('#farmSelect label[for='']'); segment.classList.add('pressed'); ecoRadios = document.querySelectorAll('.sendsContainer input') for radio in ecoRadios: add_event_listener(radio, 'click', lambda e: updateEcoSegment(e)) def updateEcoSegment(e): segments = document.querySelectorAll('.sendsContainer label'); for segment in segments: segment.classList.remove('pressed');'pressed') segment = document.querySelector(".sendsContainer label[for=\'"+str("\']"); segment.classList.add('pressed'); def upgradePath(path): cashBuffer = int(document.querySelector('#farmBuffer').value) pathNum = int(path) console.log(pathNum) farmIndex = int(document.querySelector('input[name="farmIndex"]:checked').value) buy_queue.append([upgradeFarm(farmIndex, pathNum-1, cashBuffer)]) renderBuyQueue() setInitialState() def farmSell(): farmIndex = int(document.querySelector('input[name="farmIndex"]:checked').value) farm = document.querySelector('input[name="farmIndex"]:checked') farm.disabled = True console.log(farmIndex) buy_queue.append([sellFarm(farmIndex)]) renderBuyQueue() setInitialState() def addToBuyQueue(): buyValue = float(Element('buyPriceInput').value) buyBuffer = 0 if Element('buyBuffer').value != '': buyBuffer = float(Element('buyBuffer').value) buy_queue.append([buyDefense(buyValue, buyBuffer)]) renderBuyQueue() setInitialState() def renderBuyQueue(): deleteChildren('#buyQueue') queue = document.querySelector('#buyQueue') for buy in buy_queue: buyContainer = document.createElement('div') buyContainer.classList.add('buyContainer') p = document.createElement('p') # [{'Type': 'Buy Farm', 'Buffer': 0, 'Minimum Buy Time': 0, 'Message': 'Buy Farm'}] for index in buy: titleSpan = document.createElement('span') titleSpan.classList.add('buyTitle') buyTitle = f"{index['Message']}" titleSpan.textContent = buyTitle p.appendChild(titleSpan) if index['Buffer'] != 0: bufferSpan = document.createElement('span') bufferSpan.classList.add('buyBuffer') buyMessage = f" Buffer: ${index['Buffer']} " bufferSpan.textContent = buyMessage p.appendChild(bufferSpan) button = document.createElement('button') = str(buy) button.textContent = "Delete" buyContainer.appendChild(p) buyContainer.appendChild(button) queue.appendChild(buyContainer) proxy = create_proxy(lambda event: deleteBuy( button.addEventListener("click", proxy) def deleteBuy(button): console.log( buy = eval( buy_queue.remove(buy) console.log(buy[0]['Type']) if buy[0]['Type'] == 'Buy Farm': global farmsToBuy farmsToBuy-=1 console.log(farmsToBuy) updateFarmSlots() renderFarmSlots(); renderBuyQueue() def addToEcoQueue(): global rounds roundNum = float(document.getElementById('ecoRound').value) document.getElementById('ecoRound').value = float(Element('ecoRound').value)+1 sendTypeInput = document.querySelector('input[name="sendType"]:checked') sendType = eco_queue.append((rounds.getTimeFromRound(roundNum), sendType)) renderEcoQueue() setInitialState() def deleteSend(button): console.log( eco_queue.remove(eval( renderEcoQueue() def renderEcoQueue(): deleteChildren('#ecoQueue') queue = document.querySelector('#ecoQueue') for ecoSend in sorted(eco_queue): ecoContainer = document.createElement('div') ecoContainer.classList.add('ecoContainer') p = document.createElement('p') console.log(ecoSend) span = document.createElement('span') span.classList.add('ecoTitle') span.textContent = ecoSend[1] timeSpan = document.createElement('span') timeSpan.classList.add('ecoTime') timeSpan.textContent = f" at {ecoSend[0]}s" p.appendChild(span) p.appendChild(timeSpan) button = document.createElement('button') = str(ecoSend) button.textContent = "Delete" ecoContainer.appendChild(p) ecoContainer.appendChild(button) queue.appendChild(ecoContainer) console.log(str(ecoSend)) proxy = create_proxy(lambda event: deleteSend( button.addEventListener("click", proxy) def runSim(): game_state = GameState(initial_state) game_state.fastForward(target_round = float(Element('endRoundInput').value)) game_state.viewCashEcoHistory(dim = (18, 6)) setInitialState()